Sioux City Prickly Pear Soda

What a start to this blog. I mean, seriously, this doesn't have anything to do with Manga or Movies, but goddamn do I love Sioux City Prickly Pear Soda.

I first encountered this delicious fizzy nectar when I was perusing my local Big Lots. I don't know what they were going through at that period in time, but they had an interesting little phase where they had a ton of different beverages that I hadn't seen in the nearby supermarkets. It caught my eye along with a number of other little flavors, but this one is the one that stuck with me. 

I don't even remember the other sodas I got, maybe I've found them again, maybe not, I don't know, I don't care, I got this drink. Hooked from the first taste. If Big Lots was a dealer, I'd be fucking dead in a corner by now, surrounding by empty bottles of this drink. The cause of death? Overdose of bliss. Maybe something related to a diabetic coma as well, but mostly the bliss thing. 

This White Rock branded soda is damn near the perfect soda. Sweet as hell with carbonation that has some bite, this shit is what I imagine the Acacia's Main Course Drink, ATOM, taste like...What's this? Did I just roll this back around to manga? I sure did. For those not in the know, I am referencing the  battle/food manga Toriko. Great series, check it out, this soda is great. 
